2u Creative — Amy Morelli — Illustration — Branding — Graphic Design



2u is growing! So glad to get to breathe!! I am excited to announce that we finally are in a space that we can breathe.. This past weekend we moved into a new space. Room to work, room to play!! Still a little rough around the edges, but all in time it will come together and when it does I will post more final pics.. But you can see the before with carpet and white walls to the finished painted with wood floors..

A special thanks to my husband, Ron Morelli
who worked tirelessly with me to paint install the floors, move all the furniture and equipment.. It was an exhausting weekend, but we had fun and the office looks beautiful.

One more thanks to my good friend Yvette Wilde who gave up her Saturday to help us tape and Paint!!

Thanks to both and stay tuned as we fine tune and add the finishing touches!! Still waiting for our Chandelier to come in and some images for the walls..