2u Creative — Amy Morelli — Illustration — Branding — Graphic Design

Cocktails Anyone? Of course!

Link to slide show: www.ligaphotography.com/slideshows/citrusparty

Link to gallery: http://clients.ligaphotography.com

Last night Abby Liga of Liga Photography and I (pictured to the left) hosted a networking/socializing event at Citrus Restaurant. What a good time, and lots of
great people came to support us!! Some pictures below and Images of our wonderful sponsors donations..

Thanks to everyone to donated to the favor bags. We had
5 surprise favor bags valued at $600.00. Congratulations to those lucky 5 winners!

Thanks to those who donated participated and helped us with set up and break down..

A special thanks to all our sponsors of the event listed below, my husband Ron Morelli, who created and hung Abby's photography installation! As always babe, you roc
k and thanks for all the support you give to 2u!

And let's not forget Heath
er Campbell who as always works so hard here at 2u to help me deliver quality and creative design!

And Joe O'Grady at Citrus and his staff who helped us pull off an amazing e
vent with great food and drink!!