2u Creative — Amy Morelli — Illustration — Branding — Graphic Design

Paper Couture Stationery & Lavish Boutique


Paper Couture is NOW AVAILABLE in Lavish Boutique! Our good friend, client, and daring Fashonista, Jennifer at Lavish Boutique recently asked me, (along with one of our other favorite local businesswomen, Maggie from Cleanse Bath & Body Products) if she could carry my Limited Edition Stationery Line in her boutique!! As of Black Friday Paper Couture Imaginative Stationery is now sold in Lavish Boutique... Stop in and purchase today.. Lavish is one of my faves!! Hubbies-- it's got some great Lingerie you can get for your honey's this holiday season. Not to mention great Bath and Body Products and to finish it off-- Stationery.. It's a whole romantic package!