2u Creative — Amy Morelli — Illustration — Branding — Graphic Design

Central Florida Bride

Seeing our name in print!! So exciting.. The 2u Collection is featured in the current issue of Central Florida Bride Magazine. Shannon Cooper, personal friend and Publicist Extraordinar, wrote an article on the current trend of Custom Designed Invitations. She captured exactly what we do here at 2u, and what it means to customize your wedding details. Sometimes brides make invitations and wedding accompaniments the last thought. This article shares the importance of the Wedding Brand, and thinking the wedding brand through from the early stages of planning. It not only sets the tone, giving guests a preview into the event ahead, but adds the finishing details to every aspect of the event, from Programs for the church to Escort Cards. Customizing your wedding should even go as far as the last impression you leave with your guests, which is the Thank You card.. Thanks Shannon for writing such a glowing article, and speaking so positively about 2u!

Go to CentralFloridaBride.com to check it out and to subscribe click here.