2u Creative — Amy Morelli — Illustration — Branding — Graphic Design

EOS Lip Care

Obsessions - January — #memyselfandi

#memyselfandi, ObsessionsAmy MorelliComment

1: Burts Bees Eye Cream [Retails for $11.99]   |   2: EOS Organic Smooth Sphere - Pomegranate [Retails for $14.99]   |   3: Citrus for the Skin  |   4: Freeman Anti-Stress Dead Seas Mineral Mask  [Retails for $6.69]    |  5: Cucumber Water for Hydration  |   6:  Weleda Skin Food [Retails $13.59  |   7:  Yogi Bedtime Tea [Retails $5.61]

MY OBSESSIONS . . . all under $15

1.  Burts Bees Eye Cream [Retails for $11.99]
As I get older, not getting a full 8 hours of sleep, really shows. And mostly is shows all over my face.. Hello Dark Circles! This great eye cream, helps make those dark circle no more. Bring on the late nights!

2EOS Organic Smooth Sphere - Pomegranate [Retails for $14.99]
There is nothing I love more than smooth lips.. both my own and other (LOL) . . . This lip treatment is not only amazing, it comes in many flavors! I keep one in my desk, nightstand and purse — ready for kissing anywhere I am. (Wink!)

3Citrus, Citrus, Citrus. 
I am lucky enough to have a client who is a dermatologist, and yes. She has the most amazing skin. This tip is from her. Every other night before bed rub fresh citrus on your skin. It's a natural brightener, will help fade dark spots and even can keep acne at bay. Bring on the Lemon!

4Freeman Anti-Stress Dead Seas Mineral Mask  [Retails for $6.69]
I wear my emotions on my face! Everyone says so — you can tell how I feel by the look on my face. Well, I'd rather those wrinkles not set in! So this anti-stress mask is my GO TO! It's also great to keep my skin free and clear of blackheads! 

5Stay Hydrated with Cucumber Water. 
Who doesn't love the amazing cucumber water served on those rare spa days? This is one, you don't have to leave at the spa! Slice some cucumbers put them in a glass pitcher of water, give it time to infuse and Voila! Nothing more refreshing. (And I'm convinced that Hydration keeps you young!) A great shortcut is  dicing cucumbers into cubes and freezing them. Now you have cucumber ice cubes, to drop right in your water!

6Weleda Skin Food [Retails $13.59
I know, I know... Summer's months away. But that doesn't mean you can't start getting those tootsies in shape! I have cracked heels :( and have looked for years for a way in between pedicures to combat this problem. Well, Weleda Skin Food is it! Each night before bed I use this robust cream on my heels! It works like a dream, and I even give my elbows a little love to!

7 Yogi Bedtime Tea [Retails $5.61]
Not to get too personal, but I have suffered since I was 35 with pre-menopause issues. This runs in my family and there are more "female issues" to count. I must say — you can throw all of this at me! I'll take it and cope fine.. But the one thing I JUST CAN'T deal with is interrupted sleep! I spent about 6 years suffering from awful night sweats, to the point that I sometimes would have to move to my guest room, as the sheets were soaked! This last obsession has SAVED ME! All natural and full of medicinal herbs- 2 cups of this tea before bed... and that's right NO MORE NIGHT SWEATS! I'm sure everyone has different results, but for me this tea has worked like a dream.

Want to try one of the above products? Journal your results and please share with us! I would love to hear about what you are currently obsessed with!